當前位置:希尼爾首頁 > 雙語新聞 >  金正恩命令朝鮮核武處于值班狀態(中英雙語)



                                              希尼爾翻譯公司(www.coachkarenpasco.com)2016年3月10日了解到:Kim Jong Un has ordered North Korea’s nuclear weapons to be placed on standby, ratcheting up tensions on the Korean peninsula following a UN Security Council approved tough new sanctions on the country.

                                              金正恩(Kim Jong Un)已命令朝鮮的核武器要處于值班狀態。在聯合國安理會(UN Security Council)批準對朝實施嚴厲的新一輪制裁后,朝鮮半島緊張局勢再度升級。

                                              The North Korean leader also said his country should turn its military posture to “pre-emptive attack” mode, the official Korean Central News Agency said on Friday.

                                              據朝鮮官方的朝中社(Korean Central News Agency)周五報道,朝鮮領導人金正恩還表示朝鮮的軍事姿態要向著先發制人的方向轉化。

                                              “The only way for defending the sovereignty of our nation and its right to existence under the present extreme situation is to bolster up nuclear force both in quality and quantity,” the KCNA quoted Mr Kim as saying. The news agency added that he had stressed the need for the country’s nuclear warheads to be “always on standby so as to be fired any moment”.


                                              The UN Security Council voted on Wednesday to impose tougher sanctions on the Communist nation in response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test and a long-range rocket launch earlier this year.


                                              Responding to the KCNA report, Bill Urban, a US defence department spokesman, said: “We urge North Korea to refrain from provocative actions that aggravate tensions and instead focus on fulfilling its international obligations and commitments.”

                                              美國國防部發言人比爾?厄本(Bill Urban)回應朝中社的報道稱:“我們敦促朝鮮避免采取挑釁性行動來加劇緊張局勢,而是應致力于履行其國際義務和承諾?!?span class="style52">

                                              Mr Kim’s comments came ahead of joint military exercises between South Korea and the US this month, which Pyongyang sees as preparations for an invasion.


                                              “Now is the time for us to convert our mode of military counteraction toward the enemies into an pre-emptive attack one in every aspect,” Mr Kim was quoted as saying.


